
健身≠健康,OXYGYM 超越健身 TRAINING≠HEALTH, OXYGYM is More Than a Gym

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健身的目的在于,使人们拥有一个更好的、更迷人的自己,而中国99%的健身房无法构建空气充分流通的环境,这一缺陷会造成身体内部严重感染,健身不再等于健康。研究显示,人类在室内吸入的 PM2.5 是室外的4倍摄入量,处于运动状态时将成倍加重。


The purpose of training is for us to have a better, a more attractive self. But 99% of Chinese gyms are not able to construct an environment that could fully ventilate air, which might cause severe infection of your inner body. Training now is no longer equal to health. Research shows that humans inhale 4 times amount of PM2.5 indoor than outdoor, and even multiplied while exercising. 


A few years ago, OXYGYM has already had the idea of creating a perfect way of respiration, and proposed to combine oxygen therapy and training together, re-defining the meaning of cardio-vascular training. OXYGYM aims to bring a new healthy lifestyle. “Migrate forest into gym, and share the most natural way of respiration and training with the world”. OXYGYM now has made its dream come true, and become the first training organization in China that owns the intellectual property right.


OXY是Oxygen的简写,含义为氧气,含氧的意思,GYM则是健身房的意思,两个词语重叠合并,衍生出一个新的词语 - OXYGYM,简单含义为“含氧气的健身房”,完美地概括了OXYGYM对于极致呼吸和健康生活方式的执着追求。那么OXYGYM又是如何将氧气源源不断输入到健身房之中呢?

The Origin of OXYGYM

OXY is the abbreviation of oxygen, combining with the word gym - a new word is created - 「OXYGYM」, simply means “gym infused by oxygen”. It perfectly indicates OXYGYM’s pursuit of perfect respiration and healthy lifestyle. So how does OXYGYM make it possible to continuously input oxygen into gym?

氧疗 : 增强运动表现力


Oxygen-Therapy : Enhance Sports Performance

By imitating natural forest, OXYGYM team invented 「Air Conditioning & its Mechanism」of Oxygen-Chambered Gym, which has already recognized by national patented technology. This invention is to clean and sterilize air while continuously input clean air into indoor space, therefore to achieve the purification of air, just like what forest does. Trainees will feel like running around inside of forest. OXYGYM stands out from its industry due to this remarkable invention that improves both sports performance and health condition through oxygen-therapy.

OXYGYM 空气质量指数


- 25%-30% 氧气浓度 25%-30% of oxygen concentration

- 负离子含量大于 2,000/cm³ Negative ions > 2000/cm³ 

- 99% 异味净化率 99% purifying rate of odors

- 空气湿度 55%-65%  55%-65% of humidity


For better training results, OXYGYM has placed Oxygen-Spray Apparatus on every cardio vascular equipment, which provide trainees enough clean oxygen for energy metabolism and help generates energy production. Now say good-bye to anoxia, make your training duration last longer, and speed up recovery.

关于 氧气喷射系统

- 全球首款非接触式吸氧设计

- 健身黑科技,已获国家专利技术认证

- 将氧气源源不断输送给健身者,提供充足能量

- 终结以往的佩戴方式,使训练者在有氧运动的同时感受森林般纯净的呼吸

- 激发身体的能量代谢系统,增强训练效果

About Oxygen-Spray Apparatus

- The first contactless oxygen uptake in the world

- Advanced training technology, recognized by national patented technology

- Continuously inputs oxygen to trainees and provide energy at the same time

- Terminates the old way of wearing, and makes trainees inhale the air like being in forest while they're doing cardio-vascular training

- Stimulates body’s energy metabolism system that improves training results


上东店、天阶店、及欧美汇店,皆配备国际顶尖品牌的健身设备,包括 TECHNOGYM、LifeFitness、Power Plate 和 Escape 等国际知名品牌,品类齐全,满足不同健身需求。

Cutting-Edge Equipment

The Upper East Side, The Place  and the ECMall Stores are all equipped with top-end international brands of training equipment, including TECHNOGYM, LifeFitness, Power Plate and Escape etc. All ranges of equipment are completed to satisfy different requiments of fitness.


The birth of OXYGYM is undoubtedly a huge surprise for urban population because from now on, people can breathe and train in “forest”. Just like what OXYGYM is advocating - to make lives younger, and experience the perfection that OXYGYM has brought to us.

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