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李秋辰  四川省成都市青羊区泡桐树小学5年级3班  指导老师:刁喻 






Youth strength leads to national strength - A Strong Nation Needs Me

Li Qiuchen, Grade 5, Class 3, Paulownia Tree Primary School, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province. Teacher: Diao Yu

China, a powerful nation, a country advancing in technology, and a nation tirelessly striving for the cause of communism. The Chinese Dream and the dreams of each and every young person are intertwined.

To possess this powerful and beautiful country requires the efforts of every individual. Although I am just an ordinary elementary school student, I am also a small part of China. While my academic achievements may not be outstanding, I am an aspiring young athlete, and my passion is table tennis. Forehand, backhand, looping, chopping - none of these techniques pose a challenge to me. In a women's team table tennis competition, I, along with several other female players, represented Qingyang District and achieved the commendable sixth place in the team competition in Chengdu, a result that truly surprised me. Because of this, I am filled with confidence, and my face radiates with excitement.

Victory is never earned in vain; it is irrigated with sweat. Without persistent efforts and numerous experiences of failure, good results can never be achieved. For me, there has never been an undefeated general, only resilient survivors. In a women's singles match, I encountered a highly skilled and experienced opponent. Winning the first match made me arrogant. In the second match, the opponent identified the weakness in my forehand loop and continuously exploited it, preventing me from gaining the upper hand in rallies. After losing several points, I began to feel uneasy, making many mistakes. Despite my efforts, I couldn't identify the weaknesses in my opponent's game, and I lost the second match. The third match was the decisive one, and I suddenly became nervous. Although I initially took a significant lead, due to issues with my mental composure, I lost the game. At that moment, tears welled up in my eyes, and I felt extremely disheartened. It's not that I can't accept defeat because, in my eyes, table tennis is more than just a sport or a simple match. Table tennis is a small seed in my heart; it has taken root and sprouted, becoming my friend and my goal, accompanying me since childhood.

There's a saying, "Learn as long as you live." For me, table tennis is "Live as long as you play." Even if one day I grow old, just looking at that worn-out racket will bring infinite pride to my heart. My dream is to become a national team table tennis player, grow up to participate in the Olympics, win the table tennis championship, and bring glory to China! I believe that one day my dream will come true, and standing on the podium will make people around the world feel proud for China.

Youth strength leads to national strength. China will forever be the most dazzling star in the world! A Strong Nation Needs Me!

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